Saturday, January 5, 2008

Made into Bread for Others

This is a quote by Oswald Chambers, and it speaks deeply to me every time I read it. This view gives purpose and meaning to my life and the difficult things I pass through. My life is not just about me, and often I don't understand my life fully until it is put into the context of others I come into contact with.

"By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." (I John 3:16) Jesus Christ was made broken bread and poured out wine for us, and He expects us to be made broken bread and poured out wine in His hands for others. If we are not thoroughly baked, we will produce indigestion because we are dough instead of bread. We have to be made into good nutritious stuff for other people. The reason we are going through the things we are is that God wants to know whether He can make us good bread with which to feed others. The stuff of our lives, not simply of our talk, is to be the nutriment of those who know us." (Love of God)

1 comment:

  1. Pam, I wrote a post a couple of weeks back called My Foolish Calling and you commented on it. This whole time, I thought that comment was from my friend Pam here in Tanzania. So I just wanted to pop over to your blog and say thank you for your comment and I'm glad the post was helpful.



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